Chat application made in C++ featuring multithreaded Server-Client chat rooms with Winsock2 library. User interface made with WxWidgets.
Fullstack application featuring full user authentication with spring security and custom MongoDB cluster. Whole project showcases full data flow and connections. React Web App featuring custom snake colors, and Java desktop game - both connected to Spring Boot backend server.
Portfolio website for gardening services built in clean JS and Tailwind.
Web App landing page with newsletter functionality. Built with Vite in React.js, Typescript and Tailwind.
AI project featuring streaming provider for ethernet data transmission sent by Raspberry Pico filtering visual data with AI model. Built with Node.js, Express.js, Python and Tensorflow library.
Salamanca, Spain
Developed and secured local network inside of local school with a team.
Quantoo, Cracow
Developed landing pages in CSS and Sass. Used knowledge of JavaScript and JQuery to create templates in Wordpress and PHP.